12월 3일부터 오늘까지 눈뜨자마자 부터 잠들기 직전까지 유튜브 뉴스만 들여다봤다. 덕분에 이번주는 영어공부도 안했다^^ 그래도 알고리즘에 고맙게도 강경화 전 장관님의 이번 계엄에 대한 CNN 인터뷰 영상이 떴다. 전 외교부장관님의 이번 사태에 대한 의견도 듣고 영어 표현도 공부할 겸 정리해보았다. 전부 다 하기엔 내 능력 부족으로 아래 영상에서 두개의 질문에 대한 답만 정리해봤다.
** 영어 표현 정리 방법: 모르는 단어, 모르는 표현, 조금만 반복하면 내 입에서 나올 것 같은 문장이나 표현
** 영어사전, ChatGPT 활용함!
Q. Welcome to the program foreign minister, i just want to get your immediate reaction both politically and perhaps even emotionally, since you are far away from your country.
A. Yes i was watching this on tv this morning as i usually do every morning watching what’s happening in my country and saw the president making this announcement which was just completely out of the blue. Nothing in this circumstances around this country warranted this. So it was shocking to put it mildly. But then was relieved to see the national assembly acting very quickly to pass the resolution overturning this. And so the only step remaining in this process is for the president to accept and acknowledge that the declaration that he made on martial law is now null and void. But the presidential office i understand is currently very quiet. Citizens have gathered around the national assembly to protest and to make their point that this is completely unacceptable the way it’s been handled and the way it’s been announced. So we’ll see we’ll get a better sense in the morning hours, but i think currently all sides including some key figures in the ruling party clearly pressing the point that this is completely unacceptable. This is an aberration.
- warrant: 1. 영장 2. 정당하게 만들다 3. 보증서
- null: 아무 가치 없는
- void: 1. 빈 공간, 공허함 2. ~이 하나도 없는(=devoid) 3. 무효의, 법적 효력이 없는
- aberration: 일탈, 일탈적인 행동/일
- I was ~ing as I usually do every ~
- I was relieved to ~
- out of the blue: 난데없이, 갑자기
- to put it mildly: 조심스럽게 말하면, 부드럽게 말하자면 (실제로는 더 심각함)
- make a point that: ~을 주장하다
+ make a point of ~ing: 꼭 ~하기로 되어있다 ex) make a point of reading: 필독하다
- get a better sense: understanding something more clearly or to gain a deeper understanding
* understand 와의 차이점: understand는 넓은 의미에서 이미 이해했다는것, get a better sense는 이해하는 과정 자체를 의미
Q. Do you expect that the military to obey parliament or to obey the person of the president?
A. I think the rule of law requires in accordance with the rule. The way the martial law itself was declared was not in accordance with the requirements as far as the constitution is concerned. Because it was done out of the blue without going through the necessary requirement going through a cabinet decision. So it doesn’t seem any of the ministers were aware that this was going to happen aside from the defense minister obviously. It seems that there was preparation in that side because the tanks were rolling in and the helicopters were in the air minutes after the decree was announced. So clearly the minister of defense and his close advisors were prepared. But on the political side, none of the key political actors even within the ruling party seems to have been aware of what was coming in the middle of the night from the president office. The two key political leaders from the ruling party and the opposition party have after the national assembly vote has come out with the statement that i think is very stabilizing. Pointing this out, the way of martial law was decreed was unconstitutional, it didn’t follow process. It is illegal. Therefore any order given under so-called declared martial law is unconstitutional, unlawful, and therefore any public servant including military service and police should not be following any orders coming from that authority which in itself is unlawful.
- obey: 시키는대로 하다, (명령, 법) 따르다 (↔ disobey)
- parliament: 의회, 국회
- in accordance with: ~에 따라서, ~에 부합되게 (abbr.) IAW
- constitution: 1. 헌법 2. 체질 3. 구조
+ contitutional: 1. 헌법의, 입법의 2. 합헌적인 (↔ unconstitutional)
+ constitute: 1. ~이 되는 것으로 여겨지다 2. ~을 구성하다 3. 설립하다
+ constituent: 1. (특정 선거구에 사는) 주민/유권자 2. 구성 성분 3. ~을 구성하는/이루는
- aware: 1. ~을 알고있는 2. 눈치채고 있는 3. (~에 대한) 의식이 높은
+ be/become aware of: 1. ~을 알아차리다 2. ~을 알다
- aside from (= apart from): 1. ~외에는, ~을 제외하고 2. ~외에도
- decree: 1. 법령, 칙령 2. (법원의) 판결 3. (법령, 판결 등에 따라) 명하다/결정하다
- so-called: 1. 소위, 이른바 2. 흔히~라고 일컬어지는
- public servant: 공무원
- as far as ~ is concerned
- pointing it/this out
조금만 반복하면 내 입에서 나올 것 같은 문장이나 표현으로 기록한 부분 중 기존에 기록한 것과 중복되는게 있었다. 문장들에 숫자를 붙여 기록하는 덕분에 비슷한 표현들을 묶어놓을 수 있다.
163 - I was relieved to ~
164 - as far as ~ is concerned
164번으로 기록된 문장에서 외우고 싶은 표현인 as far as ~ is concerned는 프렌즈에서 종종 본 표현이다.
뉴스 그만보고싶다... 근데 멈출수가 없다ㅠㅠ 뉴스보느라 영어공부 안하고 있으니까 영어공부도 될 겸 해외 뉴스를 한개씩 봐야겠다..^^....
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